Flexible Funding Pools – A Community Driven Solution to Catalytic Investment in Supportive Housing
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Casey Mattoon Maureen Brewer Lisa Bearg Rob MacPherson Chelsea Haring-Cozzi Rodney Stockment

This session will highlight two catalytic funding models for services in supportive housing that were driven by community problem solving and are public/private partnerships. In both, community foundations play a critical role in advancing and supporting the ongoing work. In Ada County, Idaho, the Supportive Housing Investment Fund (SHIF) was developed in collaboration with Idaho Community Foundation and partners like the City of Boise, the local CoC - Our Path Home, health care providers and community-based organizations. It aims to further the successful implementation of the pipeline of 250 units of supportive housing coming online in the community in the next five years. The Indianapolis Housing to Recovery (HTR) Fund, co-created by the Indianapolis Foundation, City of Indianapolis, Coalition for Housing Intervention and Prevention (CHIP), and the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) is dedicated to supporting the homelessness service providers in the community by building their capacity to efficiently and effectively deliver wrap-around services to newly housed, chronically homeless individuals and families. The HTR Fund uses a performance-based contracting approach. This session will be a dynamic fishbowl model conversation where you’ll get to listen in as representatives from city government, community foundations, and the local CoCs in both Boise and Indianapolis talk to each other about the local challenges they faced and how they solved them. Participants will then get the opportunity to join the conversation and ask questions that might help them create a similar model in their community.

Location Name
Sheraton 10 - Level 4
Full Address
Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk
301 E North Water St
Chicago, IL 60611
United States