Joelle Ballam-Schwan Ballam-Schwan, The Supportive Housing Network of New York
Bonnie Mohan Mohan, The Health & Housing Consortium, Inc.
Tess Sommer Sommer, The Health & Housing Consortium, Inc.
Pascale Leone Leone, Supportive Housing Network of New York
In the supportive housing field, we must confront skyrocketing housing prices, deep racial inequities, a rapidly aging homeless population, a shortage of shelter beds, and a crisis of serious mental illness throughout the nation. Supportive housing providers often lack the resources, strategic partnerships, and/or funding to support "high acuity" tenants like those aging or experiencing complex medical/behavioral needs. This often results in tenants losing their housing through avoidable reliance on institutions such as hospitals, jails, or nursing homes. In this interactive session, facilitators and attendees will learn from one another on how to improve outcomes for high-acuity people needing and living in supportive housing. First, the facilitator team (comprised of the program team and project funder) will provide a localized snapshot of New York City by presenting their landscape analysis findings and the process of issuing an RFP to execute and evaluate multiple pilots. The session will then zoom out to a national lens in which we will invite attendees to discuss their strategies, partnerships, roadblocks, and innovations in helping individuals who are high acuity stabilize and thrive in their communities. Together, we will develop collective advocacy points, system improvements, and service innovations to bring back to our localities.
301 E North Water St
Chicago, IL 60611
United States