Keeping Families Together Continued Learning: Models For Success
Date & Time
Thursday, April 24, 2025, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Andrew Johnson Johnson

CSH’s Keeping Families Together (KFT) supportive housing model is an innovative, evidence-based model proven to increase stability for families with children at risk of family separation and recurring involvement in the child welfare system by leveraging strong cross-system partnerships. KFT has been implemented in 15 communities and the KFT model continues to evolve as communities explore how strong cross-system and parent partnerships can effectively support families to thrive. CSH works with communities that have implemented the KFT model to understand the potential for scalability from the local level to the statewide level, including identifying critical statewide partners and champions who can advocate for statewide systems transformation. When planning for scalability, CSH is also deeply interested in partnering with communities to improve data quality and equitable outcomes for families disproportionately represented in the homelessness and child welfare systems. This interactive session will allow attendees to explore the innovative Keeping Families Together supportive housing approach. Attendees will examine quality supportive housing and family-centered engagement through the lens of families at the intersection of housing instability and child welfare involvement. Additionally, we will explore how to utilize data to create equitable outcomes for families most impacted by child welfare. During the session, attendees will have the opportunity to identify actionable next steps to advance a KFT approach that makes sense for their community.