Nicole Jackson, Apartment Management Consultants
Whitney Riddell, Nashville Veteran's Affairs Office
Sasha Ginzberg, Community Solutions
Supporting newly housed individuals is a key component to ending homelessness that starts before lease signing. This session will discuss the importance of bridging the connection between referral partners and property managers to support individuals through the lease application and approval process, to providing any necessary continued case management. We will explore how to address some common roadblocks that slow down or prevent housing access and discuss proven methods for long term housing stability. Community Solutions’ CS Large Cities Housing Fund has provided over 600 housing units to veterans experiencing homelessness over the past two years. This achievement is the result of an innovative financing and acquisition model that relies on private capital rather than tax credits, while still ensuring that properties remain affordable indefinitely. A distinguishing feature of this model is the ongoing collaboration with local Continuum of Care (CoC) leaders and the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). This collaboration enables the creation of a community’s by-name list (BNL) of individuals experiencing homelessness. Our properties then contribute to ending homelessness by ensuring that referrals are prioritized from the BNL, enabling landlords to play an active role in the community's efforts to end homelessness. The VA is more committed than ever to ending veteran homelessness and is setting ambitious goals for housing placements each year. While rental support resources and the will to address the issue are present in most communities, making a significant impact on overall homelessness requires close coordination among all stakeholders. This session will present key insights from various perspectives involved in this collaboration: landlords, the VA, CoC leaders, property managers, and individuals who have found a home at a Community Solutions property.