Full Name
TIanna Williamson Williamson
Regional Operations Manager
Low Income Housing Institute
Speaker Bio
Tianna Williamson is a black woman from Seattle who grew up in the projects and has worked since age 14, starting at McDonalds and putting on birthday parties on the weekends. She moved into banking at Seafirst National Bank while attending high school and Highline Community College. She came from a low-income household and grew up in the projects and was homeless, at one point living on people's couches. She has always cared about people, understanding that life can be good and then, in the blink of an eye, life can change, and hard times come. Tianna worked managing market rate housing for two years and then was hired at LIHI where she has learned a lot about affordable and low-income housing, which has become a passion and drive: she knows helping people with housing is where she needs to be. Tianna always says, “You never know where someone came from, how they were brought up, and what challenges they have gone through. This should not reflect on whether people are housed or not. Housing is a human right and should be given if you can't afford it.”
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