Full Name
Lisa Lowe Lowe
Chair, ICH People's Committee (PC) is responsible for moving the work of the PC forward.
Montgomery County Maryland, Interagency Commission on Homelessness --People's Committee
Speaker Bio
Rozina Adhanom, Continuum of Care Coordinator, Montgomery County, Services to End and Prevent Homelessness, supports the Montgomery County Interagency Commission on Homelessness (ICH) --PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE. I, Lisa Lowe, am the Chair of the People's Committee. The ICH is the steering Committee that oversees the County Continuum of Care. The People's Committee is a subcommittee of the ICH. We are comprised solely of People With Lived Experience in homelessness. We meet every two weeks to provide input on policy, impact contracts with local providers, rate and rank provider grant applications, and basically weigh-in on all county-wide policy and practice concerning services for our county's homeless population.