An Inclusive and Collaborative Approach to Developing and Implementing Local Quality Standards
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Ray Bramson Bramson Gabriela Gabrian Gabrian

As part of its Community Plan to End Homelessness, supportive housing partners in Santa Clara County, California set out to create a state-of-the-art supportive housing system. This included developing a set of Local Quality Standards (building on CSH’s Quality Standards) that will serve as the gold standard for site-based permanent supportive housing programs. These standards, developed in collaboration with multiple partners, will be integrated into policies, practices, trainings, and standard documents across the local supportive housing system. A Steering Committee comprised of county and city staff, the housing authority, development partners, non-profit service providers, tenants, persons with lived experience of homelessness, property managers, and Destination: Home, a local public/private partnership worked together to develop and generate buy-in for the new standards. Join us for a discussion of the collaborative approach in drafting the standards and how these standards will be incorporated into the policies and practices of partners across the supportive housing system.