Full Name
Latisha Millard Millard
VP of Housing
Fortune Society
Speaker Bio
Latisha Millard is the Vice President of Housing for The Fortune Society. As a member of Fortune’s executive team, Latisha oversees permanent, transitional and scatter-site housing programs which currently serve over 800 justice impacted people throughout New York City. In 2014, Latisha was instrumental in expanding Fortune’s scatter-site supportive housing program, which targets singles and families touched by the criminal justice system and other life-debilitating conditions, including chronic substance use and other health issues. Notably, the US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has recognized Fortune’s housing programs as Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) on six consecutive occasions. Latisha is passionate about connecting formerly incarcerated New Yorkers to quality, supportive housing – thereby stabilizing their lives, reducing recidivism, and bettering the communities in which they live. Most recently, Latisha opened Fortune's MOC-J Emergency Transitional Housing for 385 men, women and other's impacted by unstable housing as a condition for release.