This year's theme is:

Meeting the Moment: Navigating Challenges, Creating Opportunities

Supportive housing is an effective intervention, yet the field continues to experience challenges in scaling, preserving, and operating quality supportive housing. We seek session topics for our 2025 conference that tackle these challenges with innovative, practical, and effective solutions, demonstrating supportive housing is a viable and sustainable alternative to institutionalization and housing instability. With the CSH Race Equity Framework guiding our work and that of our partners, we will prioritize proposals that center racial equity.

Thank you, our Call for Proposals is now closed. If you submitted a proposal, you will be notified in next six-eight weeks if your proposal has been selected. 

CSH seeks session topics that address the following: 

  • Sustaining existing supportive housing projects, 
  • Increasing the supply of supportive housing, and improving access to housing,
  • Promoting economic security and mobility for people in supportive housing by advocating to increase the availability of employment supports and other income support resources, living wage jobs, and peer support, 
  • Partnering with people and communities to co-create new approaches that advance equity and housing justice, 
  • Strengthening the supportive housing workforce to promote equitable and competitive pay, supportive staffing structures, and training opportunities,  
  • Acknowledging the impact of systemic racism and actively building racially equitable polices and programming that produce and sustain racially equitable outcomes,
  • Tenant leadership and power sharing with people who live in supportive housing, 
  • Integrating inspiring messaging that elevates people achieving housing stability and shifts the public narrative.

Select one of the following session topics:

  • Designing and Delivering Quality Services
  • Effective Supportive Housing Operations & Preservation Approaches
  • Improving System Flow and Reducing Barriers to Housing
  • Strengthening Supportive Housing Organizations
  • Collaborative Innovations
  • Advocacy and Community Response
  • Tenant Leadership and Power Sharing

Select from the following session types:

Storytelling: Share your journey toward resolving a challenge or developing a new approach or strategy. Hint: this could be about an in-depth case study, a pilot program, emerging practice, etc.  

Mini Master Class: Facilitate a highly interactive session that focuses on the how-to of an effective or promising strategy, process, technique, or tool. Hint: think of sessions/topics for attendees at the intermediate or advanced level of experience with supportive housing.  

Talking circle: Lead a dynamic and engaging discussion about a key topic or trend. This may include multiple group discussion questions, small group activities, a fishbowl activity, breakout discussion or case studies, etc.    

Presentation: Deliver an interactive presentation/lesson or panel (with 1-3 co-presenters).

Returning Applicant Sign-In

Proposal Reviewers Please sign in here


If you have questions about your proposal or the CSH Supportive Housing Summit: Meeting the Moment: Navigating Challenges, Creating Opportunities, please email