Frequently Asked Questions

The conference is set for April 23rd to April 25th at the Sheraton Grand in Chicago, Illinois. 

What are the speaker requirements?

  • All accepted speakers are required to register for the event. CSH will provide discounted registration for up to three presenters.  Given the increasing costs of events we are unable to provide complementary registration. Please note we are unable to accommodate requests for day passes or single-session attendance. Please plan accordingly.  
  • CSH is committed to racial equity. CSH expects proposals to include diverse perspectives. In addition to having panels that offer diversity of race, gender, and sexual orientation, special consideration will be given to proposals that include people with lived expertise as presenters. 
  • Proposals must consider the audience first and provide actionable solutions and tools for the supportive housing field. 
  • Successful proposals will demonstrate clearly how the audience will be engaged as part of the session. We are looking for more than just a presentation, audience engagement is expected. 
  • Priority will be given to sessions that demonstrate an understanding of the impact racial inequity plays in the provision, access, and utilization of services and housing. 
  • Sessions will be one hour in length, except for limited options for 90-minute sessions. We encourage presenters to leave sufficient time for questions and answers. Given session length we highly recommend no more than three speakers per session. 
  • Please arrange or secure appropriate resources to support advocates, current or past tenants/program participants, and other presenters with lived experience. This includes covering costs related to registration, lodging, and other travel costs and compensation for their time. CSH is unable to provide comped registration or rooms at this time.  
  • All selected speakers are responsible for all associated travel costs and preparation costs associated with participating in the event.

Do speakers have to register for the Summit?

While we greatly appreciate our conference speakers, we do not offer complimentary registration. However, we provide a discounted rate for up to three speakers per session to support their participation. This helps us cover the high costs associate with the conference and venue. 

Are travel and prep time costs covered?

We appreciate your understanding that we do not cover associated costs such as travel or prep time.

Can we just attend our session and not register?

We require all speakers to register for the Summit. Our Summit planning team has carefully considered various registration options. Here’s why we require all speakers to register for the entire conference: 

Cost Considerations: 

Our conference budget is allocated based on the total number of registered attendees. Offering day passes or single-session attendance would significantly impact our financial planning. 

By requiring full registration, we can maintain the quality of the event and ensure that all sessions are adequately funded. 

Capacity Management: 

Each attendee occupies a spot within our venue capacity. When a speaker attends, they take up one of these allocated spots. 

To optimize the conference experience for all participants, we encourage speakers to engage throughout the entire event. 

Equity and Consistency: 

Treating all speakers equally fosters a sense of community and ensures consistent expectations. 

It also allows us to provide a seamless experience for both speakers and attendees. 

We appreciate your understanding and commitment to making this conference a success. 


We understand that some speakers may face financial constraints. While we don’t offer complimentary registration, we encourage speakers to reach out to us directly. We’re open to discussing individual situations and exploring potential solutions to ensure their participation